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Electric Dog Fence Boundary Flags - Visual Aid during Underground Dog Fence Training - 50 Flags…

Electric Dog Fence Boundary Flags - Visual Aid during Underground Dog Fence Training - 50 Flags…

Regular price $20.35
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  • 🎖️ 50 Training Flags - Will cover up to 500 linear feet of boundary wire. Set one flag every 10 feet
  • 🎖️ Compatible with ALL brands of electric dog fences (Including wireless fences)
  • 🎖️ These same flags are used by professional inground dog fence installation companies
  • 🎖️ eXtreme Dog Fence inground fence systems are manufactured in the United States with imported parts and quality craftsmanship

eXtreme Dog Fence Boundary Training Flags - 50 Pack for 500 Feet of Boundary Wire
When training your dog on a new underground dog fence system, whether it's an eXtreme Dog Fence system, or a lesser system, your beloved dog needs perimeter training flags setup as a visual aid. These flags are great training tools and a significant enhancement to the training experience for you and your beloved pooch.
You will want to place a training flag every 10 feet around the boundary of your pet containment system. These flags stay up for the duration of the training period and are gradually removed from the perimeter once training is successfully completed. They help to reinforce the fact that there is a static boundary that your dog should not cross.
After training is complete, you should remove every other flag on intervals of every 2-3 days. Eventually, you will have removed all flags and you can save them in case you some day move to a new home and need to establish a new containment boundary line.
For additional electric dog fence parts and accessories, we invite you to shop in our Amazon store and contact us with any questions we can assist with.